Friday, June 10, 2011

Cents and Sensibility, Day 10. Taking a break.

It's been a mercilessly long day, but I made a deal with myself that I'm going to blog every day, and according to the time as I type, I have 45 minutes.

I had my dad and his groove thing, Connor, Jenny and Logan under one roof for dinner. A pleasant, multigenerational gathering.

The evening took on a new shade when Logan gave Jenny a dye job, right in the middle of the kitchen. Her hair looks great; my kitchen is a mess.

And I work tomorrow.

So I'm keeping it short.

As for a brief update on the day, and the project: I had a lovely walk with my friend Cara this morning. We took a walking tour of my neighborhood's garage sales.

Uncharacteristically, I didn't spend a dollar.

Day 10 came and went with no money spent, no gas burned.

But obviously, we had a good time. Especially Jenny, who got Salon treatment from my lovely boys, right in the middle of my kitchen.

And I have 36 minutes until today is tomorrow.


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