Thursday, February 17, 2011

What would you do for five bucks? Try a slice of fiverr!

My lovely friend James feeds me fabulous thrifty tips like an innocent-looking grandma slips a nail file into an inmate's Bundt cake. So tasty on the outside, so utilitarian once you sample a slice.

I sampled a buffet of goodness while I researched James' latest list of delicious thrift-related offerings.

The site I'm completely enjoying lately is, which is the place for people to share things they're willing to do for $5.

It's an ingenious concept! So simple, so affordable, so wildly entertaining!

Spend a few minutes browsing and you'll see there's a rich layer of innovative people who are willing to do just about anything for a mere five bucks.

Alex will write and record an original song!

Tod will send me a photo of his adorable kitten, Pepper, striking a pose with a message of my choosing!

Ashley will make me a tasteful hair accessory fashioned from a vintage key!

One gentleman will say or sing anything I want through a paper towel role or toilet paper tube.

There's a gal who will break up with your significant other on your behalf, with a guarantee to make them cry.

A very popular offering is from a gal who will write a message of my choice in alphabet spaghetti on toast. Within just a day or two, I'll receive a jpg image of this tasty missive in my email!

It's not all about quirky novelty fluff on fiverr. There are folks who will write a cover letter, proofread your paper, compose a press release, write a jingle. You can buy five bucks' worth of advice on your squash game, your art design, your home staging, your guitar playing.

There were almost 3,000 pages on the site as I was browsing fiverr today. That's a pretty extensive menu.

It makes the head spin.

And it begs the question: what would you do for five dollars?

You'd have to attract quite an audience to convert that Lincoln into a Franklin, but in these questionable economic times, the right idea might provide a palatable income stream.

This fiverr idea definitely provides food for thought.

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