Friday, June 24, 2011

Cents and Sensibility, Day 24. Disconnecting.

After yesterday's spending spree (which is so much more pleasant than its counterparts crime- and shooting-), I brought myself back to the quiet, inexpensive world of Staying Home today.

I started with a walk to Ace Hardware. I wanted to get some ideas on what colors I should paint my kitchen and living room, and I had a Netflix movie to return.

I didn't walk alone today. I had my reliable friend iPhone with me, and I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts.

I was hooked in when I went way in the back of Ace to drop off the dvd at the post office. I was expecting the regular Friday postal person, so I didn't bother to disengage from my podcast. The regular Friday person is a stern, humorless sort who, despite my attempts at making a connection, and regardless of my very frequent visits, continues to ask for my driver's license when I use my debit card.

So imagine my glee when I saw Wanda behind the counter! As you might recall, I blogged about my cool friend Wanda a few months ago

I disengaged from my iPhone and quickly apologized for being so antisocial the minute I saw Wanda. We had a great catch-up chat. And part of our conversation included my admission that I've become very fond of the magical rectangular device that's my phone, radio, news source, camera, so much more.

I admitted to Wanda that I think I've become a bit too attached, actually. Wanda wasn't judgmental - she very simply said that once she gets home from work, she just likes to listen to the ambient sounds of what's around her. The birds, the neighborhood, the silence.

Taking a tip from Wanda, I did a bit of disconnecting today. Instead of deferring to my phone the minute I had a chunk of alone time, I opted for listening to what was going on in my noggin. I reverted back to the person I was a handful of years ago, when this disengagement wasn't quite so compelling and easy.

And this day became a double-bonus. I didn't spend any money, and I didn't fill my head with distractions.

Oh! Actually, today was a triple-bonus. I spent most of the day cleaning my house, moving furniture around, getting ready for company. I think I'm ready.

Is there such a thing as a quadruple-bonus? If there is, I got one today.

Because in addition to some silence, some productivity and some free time, I got to spend a bit of my morning with Wanda.

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